DotNet2Fox is now part of VFPX!

I’m happy to announce that DotNet2Fox has been accepted as part of the VFPX project.  “What is DotNet2Fox?”, you say?  Good question!  DotNet2Fox was first presented and released at Virtual Fox Fest 2021 (October), and I somehow failed to mention that here on my blog!  That is being rectified right now…

DotNet2Fox is an open-source library that simplifies calling Visual FoxPro code from .NET desktop and web applications. Have you tried your hand at COM interop only to be met with limitation after limitation? Did you find that exposing your existing FoxPro code over COM would require a major refactoring effort? DotNet2Fox provides a simplified interface for calling into existing real-world FoxPro code, and without all those limitations.

Over the past several years, I have been working to surface features from my desktop applications and make them available on the web via ASP.NET.  I found that the classic approach to COM interop recommended by Microsoft a couple of decades ago did not fit my needs. Over time, a library emerged to meet those needs: DotNet2Fox.

Geek Gatherings has graciously made recordings of Virtual Fox Fest sessions available to the entire FoxPro community on YouTube.

You can also get the whitepaper (documentation) and examples at the GitHub Wiki. Yes, full source code is on GitHub as well.  If you need help with DotNet2Fox, please start a Discussion or report an Issue. We’ll even accept Pull Requests.  I look forward to working with more folks  on this project.